Email marketing and it's strategies to grow your business.
Hello Friends ! Hope you all are doing well !
If you are in business you are very well aware about the term Email Marketing.
In today's article, I will talk about Email Marketing & it's strategies to be kept in mind to yield positive results and profits to gain.
Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective email marketing converts prospects into customers, and turns one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.
Step I: Getting Permission :
No email campaign was ever built without getting permission to get started. First you need to focus on building a sizable email list.
There are many ways of doing this. Some prefer to give something away for free while others simply offer a newsletter or product updates.
One thing no matter what you choose from above options to give, always note that it’s important to have a clear purpose when asking for an address. This is where a strong call to action comes into play, and copywriting is super important.
Here are some questions that may be asked by the people in their minds to whom you are sending emails -
What do I get when I give you my email address?
Are you going to spam me?
How often will you email me?
Will I get discounts?
Will I get a first crack at your beta?
Will you send me relevant offers or more junk?
These are the kinds of things you’ll need to address if you want to be successful in step 1.
Simply posting “enter your email for updates” isn’t going to get anyone excited to do so. Instead, consider sharing specifics. You should have the Clear and Concise Call to Action.
Like you can tell people that they are getting a free catalogue and a series of reviews and special offers, or you can tell them exactly when they'll receive the newsletter updates. This is a far more specific, and effective, way of doing business. These are just examples to show how you can be more specific.
You can take example of Amazon here. Amazon does this really well, your customers make great candidates, so don’t forget to integrate some form of registration or email subscription as part of your purchasing process. Just remember to treat these addresses with special regard, which we’ll talk about in next step.
Step 2 Get Whitelisted :
It's very important to get Whitelisted. Many times emails are just blacklisted or land in spam category. While almost all reputable email service providers work very hard to make sure that your emails are not blocked by major ISP’s, they can’t control whether or not your emails hit the inbox or the spam box. Although most will help you by providing a quality score to help you determine availability, getting whitelisted is the most effective way to ensure that your emails get delivered properly.
Getting whitelisted is equivalent to being marked as a friend, and the best way to achieve this is by being added to the recipient’s address book. The best way to do this is by providing instructions to do so at the top of each email, especially on the initial thank you and first follow-up email. You can request them to add you on their address book to get whitelisted.
Step 3 Playing the Numbers Game
Manage Expectations with Follow-Up Efforts :
Whatever you feel about expectations or you expect, Email marketing is all about expectations, and it’s up to you to set them. If your call to action is strong, and your follow-up is consistent, then you can count on a positive campaign. However, if you promise to send one email per week and instead send them daily, then you’re setting yourself up for failure. On the contrary, if someone is expecting daily updates or critical product updates and you don’t’ deliver, then they are likely to be just as upset in that case too.
We have seen that certain big names are also in spam category as they send too many emails daily that people become fed up and mark them as spam. It can fail your email marketing strategy too. There is an option to "unsubscribe" & people prefer too incase your innumerable emails make them do so. Sometimes, even if the person opt for unsubscription then also, they can get emails & this lowers the reputation of brand.
This is why the first follow-up email is so crucial to the success of your email marketing efforts. Almost all email service providers give you the option to create an autoresponder sequence, and it’s imperative that you take advantage of it.
The initial follow-up email should be sent immediately as a way to introduce yourself and detail what you plan on doing with your new subscriber’s email address. It’s better to be long-winded and detailed than it is to be quick and unobtrusive, but if you can pull off quick and concise then more power to you.
From here, it’s simply a matter of living up to their expectations. Now, you can have a question - When to Pitch ?
To get an answer for this, best option is that you should try to put yourself in the reader’s shoes. If you're going to get in the habit of pitching often, you can ask yourself if your messaging is consistent with the expectations you've set.
As I said before, Amazon does this well because they send relevant offers based on your buying habits. Those that send blind offers are far more likely to lose permission to keep doing so.
To get an answer for this, best option is that you should try to put yourself in the reader’s shoes. If you're going to get in the habit of pitching often, you can ask yourself if your messaging is consistent with the expectations you've set.
As I said before, Amazon does this well because they send relevant offers based on your buying habits. Those that send blind offers are far more likely to lose permission to keep doing so.
Another option to consider is the value you’re providing. While Amazon can provide value in an offer, you might have to provide it with a newsletter or in linking to blog posts or other forms of media content.
Remember that an email list is a permission asset and it’s better to go on the side of caution than to play it loose and reckless.
Let's talk about Newsletter here:
We are talking about content, so we can talk about the things that can differentiate between a good newsletter and a bad newsletter. What are the differences between them.
The first sign that you’ve received a bad newsletter is that you don’t recall ever asking to receive it. Typically, this happens when a business either fails to maintain a regular email routine or uses poor form and manually adds me to their list after receiving a business card or personal email.
Good newsletters are those that do a great job of mixing messaging and updates. For example, while the email might contain a list of product updates and images, it’s balanced by a personal message or friendly update.
You should try to use your newsletter as a way to further your relationship with the reader/customer rather than to pitch them. Save the pitch for unique updates, offers, and announcements.
Now, let's talk about using the Autoresponder:
One of the issues here most often is forgetting to talk to the list until you have something to sell. Obviously, this is not ideal. This is where an autoresponder can save you, and you can schedule content to be delivered on a consistent basis over the course of several months.
The benefit of scheduling is that when you do need to announce a new product or sale, you can count on the fact that you’ve already been in touch, having built a relationship over several weeks/months, and are much less likely to annoy your readers. Of course, it’s important to schedule your autoresponder sequence on specific days so that you know when you can afford to send an email. More than one per day and you’re probably mailing too much. If you find yourself asking “will this email be one too many?” then it’s probably one too many. It's very important to be in touch with your customer/reader list.
Step 4 Segmentation and Analytics
Analytics :
Analytics in emails is as important as analytics in web copy.
All are important here but the 3 most important are open rate, click through rate (CTR), and unsubscribes.
Your open rate will tell you how well you’ve built your relationship; if the number is low, it means that people have started to delete upon receipt, which means you need to work harder on providing value and/or managing expectations.
If your click through rate thatis CTR is low, it means that your message is either not targeted enough, or simply not getting through. In this case, focus on improving your copy.
If your unsubscription rate is high in relation to your opt-in rate, then you’ve passed the point of building value and writing good copy…you’ve got some serious work to do. If this is you, try to examine when people are leaving and take action based on it.
If they’re leaving after a certain autoresponder email, then re-work it. If they’re leaving after marketing messages, then re-work the way you present offers. If they’re leaving early on in your funnel, then you need to fix your original call to action so that it’s in harmony with what you’re sending.
Email analytics are critically helpful in that if you’re paying attention, they’ll give you very specific clues as to what you’re doing wrong. Of course the key variable here is “paying attention.”
Next comes the segmentation:
Segmentation is the practice of splitting up your email list into more targeted groups.
For example, the following are ways to segment a larger, more unified list:
Customer List (in comparison to leads)
Product Updates (in comparison to a customer list)
Daily Email List (in comparison to weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc)
HTML (yes, some people prefer the option for text)
Product Updates (in comparison to a customer list)
Daily Email List (in comparison to weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc)
HTML (yes, some people prefer the option for text)
In this way, by dividing your list in this manner, you give yourself the ability to send more targeted communication emails. Some customers want both product and sales updates, while others might only want to hear about new versions. If you don’t give them the chance to choose, you risk losing them all-together. Since customers constitue the best buyers, it’s fairly obvious why you want to keep them subscribed to your customer email list.
With segmentation, you can send a broadcast only to those that didn’t open your last message. You can ask them why or you can send a broadcast to those that showed interest. You can also split test messaging amongst different groups in order to refine your best practices.
Segmentation is effort. It is a work, which is why most don’t take the time to do it right. If you do, you’ll immediately separate yourself from the pack.
Here comes the value of your list now :
Your email list is one of your most valuable resources, and if you learn how to treat it right, the cost of doing so will pay for itself.
If you can imagine that each person on your list is worth a set value, say $10, then you can understand immediately how losing several hundred could be dangerous to your bottom line.
A Post By Admin.
Author ~ Swatti Sharrma ß
A Post By Admin.
Author ~ Swatti Sharrma ß
Swatti Sharrma ß
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This post cannot be more timely: I've spent the last 2 days building a Welcome email for future subscribers! Now I think I got the grasp of it, but it's dizzying how much we can do with it!
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