Are you downloading fake version of whatsApp ?
We all are fond of WhatsApp and almost everyone out there is using it. People download WhatsApp for easily communication. The popularity of WhatsApp has led to the fake version of WhatsApp.
Yes, some users have complained that a fake version of upcoming WhatsApp Business is available on plays tore to download from it.
We all are fond of WhatsApp and almost everyone out there is using it. People download WhatsApp for easily communication. The popularity of WhatsApp has led to the fake version of WhatsApp.
Yes, some users have complained that a fake version of upcoming WhatsApp Business is available on plays tore to download from it.
It is strange to see that this app. has a high rating despite of complains made by users. The app. has "Whasp. Business Inc." name as developers mentioned there.
A user has said complaining about this app. that it is fake version and further said that it is data-theft. While another user has said that it has many ads.
However, it is still a point of investigation and it can be cleared only by WhatsApp officially. If it beta-version then also official WhatsApp company can reveal it. Most of the companies release best version of apps. for beta-testers. Beta-testers use these versions to test whether the app. is good and properly working without any bugs or not ??? If apps. receive positive feedbacks and test results by WhatsApp, then only these apps. are made available to download for public use. Beta-testers use beta-versions of apps. on their own responsibility as these versions may contain bugs or cause any harm to device functioning too.
So, if you are not aware of technical issues or don't want to take responsibility of beta-tester, it is recommended that you should not download beta version of apps.
Now, you can only do in this case which we are discussing is that wait for official announcement by WhatsApp. or you can also contact to official WhatsApp.
In another case as reported by "Express" UK, people downloaded a fake version of WhatsApp "update WhatsApp messenger that mentioned developers name same as real WhatsApp that is "WhatsApp Inc."
According to the "Express" UK , people are saying that they had done this as this version are almost same as real one with same name that is known to be authentic.
EXPRESS says -
"whatsApp users downloaded the ‘Update WhatsApp Messenger’ from the Android app store as it looked it was from the company that makes the popular app.
The Google Play Store page for the fake app claimed the programme had been developed by WhatsApp Inc, the creators of the instant messaging app.
However, it was instead a fake app that contained adverts and download malicious software onto a user's device.
The developers made it look like a legitimate app by using virtually the exact same name as the developer WhatsApp Inc.
However, they replaced a space that appeared in the name with a character that made the one defining difference look invisible.
This made it almost impossible for an Android smartphone user to detect the different between the real WhatsApp app and the fake version.
The app, which was discovered by Reddit users, has now been removed from the Google Play Store, but there are a number of other apps that look similar to the real thing.
If you’re worried about having a fake version of WhatsApp on your Android phone, here’s how to check if you have downloaded the real thing.
To start with, go to Settings and then find the Apps section and click on WhatsApp."
A Post By Admin.
Author - Swatti Sharrma ß
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